Elder Law

As we get older, the circumstances of our life change. We need to start thinking differently about our future. For the elder clients, it is important to plan for things like health care options and other life changing circumstances that accompany aging. The Elder Law practice focuses on meeting the needs of elder clients and their families.  Whether you are seeking assistance in planning for your future or assisting an aging parent, Margaret Szymansky can help.

The Law Office of Margaret Szymansky assists clients in the following areas:

  • Disability, and Long-Term Panning: Attorney Margaret Szymansky helps clients to make advance preparation in the event they are unable to care for themselves. She offers guidance and reviews long-term care insurance, assistance with nursing home selection and contracts.

  • Medicaid: It is a federal program that covers the cost of nursing program for those who meet the requirements of it. Even though it is a federal program, Medicaid is administered by the states. This means that the rules are applied differently from state to state. To qualify for Medicaid, a person must be 65 years or older, disabled, or blind. One of the biggest hurdles to qualify for Medicaid is  income and the amount of assets an individual possesses that cannot exceed the State prescribed amount. Attorney Margaret Szymansky assists clients in Medicaid planning process and helps to develop a successful plan that will secure Medicaid benefits while protecting client assets.

Living Wills and Powers of Attorney: Assists clients in establishing advance directives, including Living Wills, and executing Powers of Attorney for health care and property.